Spool Loom Knit bracelet project pattern. Copyright Loomahat.com

Friendship Bracelet Pattern for the Spool Loom

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A Friendship bracelet is not just for kids in camp to give each other before they head home. They are true fashion accessories. The color options are endless. They are cheap to make, and I can't imagine anybody not getting a kick out of getting one.

The name alone makes me happy. I love them but couldn't seem to get the hang of making them. I watched few a video - nothing inspired me. The results were thin bracelets that took way too long to complete. The I found a video on finger knitting a bracelet and something clicked in my brain. I figured out that I could Loom Knit a Friendship bracelet on a Spool Loom.

Everyone who knows me, knows how I feel about loom knitting. What a great combination. To put the cherry on top I get to show others how to make them.

Skill Level: Easy (Includes Link to Step-by-Step Video Tutorial)
Size: One Size Fits Most
Stitches: Knit
Loom: Spool Loom
Yarn: Embroidery Floss or #1 Light Weight Yarn
Tools and Notions: Loom Hook, Beads, Charm

Enjoy your Pattern.
To sell products from the pattern please watch this video: https://youtu.be/as3o7t1Klic
Copyright Denise M Canela for LoomaHat.com, all rights reserved on pattern and images.